Monday, January 5, 2009

So I joined a Biggest Loser Challenge

I belong to a mommy forum online and they've done Biggest Loser challenges before and I've participated. But I tend to only lose a few pounds, everyone kind of drops off and I lose the motivation to keep going. They're starting a new one today. I kept going back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to do it. It's only $5, so money wasn't the issue. But with the half-marathon that I'm training for I wasn't sure I needed this too.

Last night they cut off entries, so I thought ok, I missed it so I just won't do it. No biggie. Then today a girl was begging to join, she had to get a few more people to join so the teams would be even. If enough people agreed to join then she could do it. A few more joined, they only needed one more. Another girl was thinking about it...but they needed a person ASAP, so I decided it was a "sign" and I joined.

We'll see how I do. I want to succeed. I hate having to take pictures on the scale. It's like admitting to my fatness. But I guess I need that. I am working, I am I refuse to be the weak link in the team. Hopefully our team won't have a weak link and we'll win!

Also...MY iPOD CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to figure out how to get music on it, but it's here, it's here, it's here!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

How cool! That's awesome that you are gonna be part of a challenge. What great motivation!!!